Serve as a District Officer

GMA is divided into twelve districts, and each district has a set of District Officers. In all but District 3 (the metro Atlanta region), each district has a president, first vice president, second vice president and third vice president. Due to the large number of cities and municipal population in metro Atlanta, District 3 has seven regions. Each region is represented by a president and vice president.

Who is eligible to serve as a District Officer?
Elected municipal officials are eligible to serve as a District Officer.

What is the term of a District Officer?
Terms are for one year and begin upon election at the GMA Annual Convention.

What are the expectations of District Officers?
District Officers are expected to attend spring and fall district meetings, as well as statewide conferences as often as possible; promote engagement in GMA activities and programs, with other cities in the district; advocate for GMA’s legislative priorities; and help serve as the “eyes and ears” of the district by sharing with GMA staff any needs and concerns of member cities in the district, as well as successful municipal initiatives that could be featured through the Association’s district meetings, conferences, website, magazine and training events.

District presidents and first vice presidents in all districts but District 3 (the metro Atlanta region) serve on the GMA Board of Directors. In District 3, each of the seven region presidents serves on the Board.

How can I become a District Officer?
Each year, in late January or early February, GMA initiates the GMA District Officer nomination and election process. The first step in the process is for city officials to complete and return to GMA an “Expression of Interest” form. While city officials are not required to complete this form in order to be given consideration as a District Officer, returning the form will ensure that you are given consideration when the current District Officers meet in March to nominate a slate of District Officers for the coming GMA year. Considerations given by the committee include past attendance at GMA meetings, a demonstrated track record of advocating for GMA’s state and federal legislative priorities, the number of training hours earned through the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute and the level of participation in GMA services by an individual’s city.
In addition to completing the “Expression of Interest” form in January or February as mentioned above, you may express interest in serving as a District Officer, at any time during the year, by completing this interest form for consideration.