Alma City Clerk Yvonne Staten Receives Lifetime Service Award

December 13, 2023

On December 12, 2023, Yvonne Staten, a longtime City of Alma employe, received a Lifetime Service Award from the Georgia Municipal Association. Yvonne has worked for the city since 1983, and during that time she has played an active role in the betterment of the community she loves.

Yvonne Staten poses with her Lifetime Service Award
Yvonne Staten poses with her Lifetime Service Award

Yvonne began her career as the EMS/Civil Defense Secretary in 1983 and served in this position until 1990, when she became the Water Department Accounting Clerk. In 2000, she was promoted within the Water Department as well as accepted the role of Clerk of Court for the Police Department. In 2011, she was once again recognized for her professional and dedicated work, as she was promoted to City Clerk, a position she held until her retirement in 2023. Each of these responsibilities presented its own series of unique challenges and required a great deal of understanding, professionalism and confidentiality. 

In addition to serving her community proudly, Yvonne has been an active participant in a variety of city projects throughout her years of service. During this time, she has also acted as a mentor for many, including to those she worked closely with on a daily basis. 

Congratulations to Yvonne Staten for 40 years of public service and dedication to the city of Alma!

Yvonne Staten poses with her Lifetime Service Award

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