Cities Connect: United Way - ALICE Report

April 11, 2024

Welcome to Cities Connect, where we discuss issues that matter. In this episode, representatives from the United Way provideed an overview of the ALICE Report and discussed opportunities for cities to collaborate with the United Way, businesses, and community nonprofits across our state.

Out of the 3.95 million households in Georgia, 34% are hardworking families who are living under the threshold of financial survival based on the state’s 2021 cost of living data, according to the ALICE Report released in February by the United Ways of Georgia State Association in partnership with United for ALICE, a U.S. research organization driving innovation, research, and action to improve life across the country for people in financial hardship. The ALICE Report is the most comprehensive depiction of financial need in the state to date and provides a common language, deeper understanding, and tools for our state to better assist these households in moving forward economically.

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